Cloud Computing Platforms Management

Cloud computing platforms have been with us for more than 20 years, with “virtual” computers starting to be quite relevant in the 1990s. It gained solid popularity after the start of the century. Platforms like Salesforce pioneered the idea to deliver software over the Internet very successfully, driving a real revolution in how we use computers. With companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft and many others joining the growing pool of “cloud” resources we can access, information technology has indeed become a powerful innovation driver, allowing further progress at a faster pace.

Make The Most Out of Your Cloud Subscription

Secure Your Cloud Computing Platforms

Configuring your cloud computing platform, either Google Workspace or Office 365, is easy if you overlook the complex configurations of security permissions, sharing and access for external contacts and others. Cloud platforms are not always inexpensive, and ensuring one gets the best return on investment involves configuring many areas hidden behind obscure settings.

The knowledge accumulated over the years in supporting our customers in using the ever-changing cloud environments has made our team a valuable asset to any new client we get.

Rather than spending hours to discover how your cloud platform works, why not use someone who knows the ins and outs and allow you to save your budget by using the most appropriate setup for every occasion.

Cloud Computing - Enabling The Hidden Gems

Cloud platforms can be complex and difficult to understand beyond immediate use. For example, when it comes to Office365, most companies pay to get only three main benefits: email, cloud storage and Office software. Recently, Microsoft Teams has started having some impact due to its deep integration with Sharepoint and VoIP. However, there are hidden gems in each included feature that may bring surprising benefits and help the business get a much better return on investment.

For example, shared mailboxes allow teams to work together behind a common email address and organize the email threads similarly to a support ticketing system. Knowing the intricacies of the cloud platform and how it can be used in a business context makes our team’s knowledge a valuable tool for our customers. Not to mention an entire array of other features, tools and heavy-duty sub-platforms that can be used to enhance the use of technology for business. From virtual machines to micro-services and containerization, the cloud has evolved into a marvelous ecosystem of technology for business.

Aligning Cloud With Business

Our aim is not just to configure the basics of your cloud platforms but to proactively seek new ways to support the business processes through innovative use of the features included.

Discovering hidden features or training users correctly make use of various features s part of our approach. Every month, new features are being released by the vendors. Our main job is to keep looking for ways to use every new bit to give you better productivity or competitive advantage.

Needless to say, we spend hours on end trialling everything or looking for solutions to challenges that occur every day. Ultimately, you get to benefit from our growing expertise based on everything we do for our existing customers.

This is how we grow together.

cloud computing

Cloud Computing Platforms: Different Yet The Same

Every cloud platform is different and offers a different set of features, tools and services. Yet, they are more alike than you may think. Below is a list of the most common features that are so similar they may surprise you. In addition, you may not know there are many alternatives out there, besides Google Workspace and MS Office 365.

Email and Workgroup

When it comes to Email, one of the most basic yet necessary services for a business, many think the popular providers offer different services. Yet, apart from minor aspects, they are almost identical. From availability in web browsers to popular software clients such as Outlook, most significant providers give you the same options.

Workgroup features, such as having your email account connected to a calendar and a list of contacts, works almost in the same way.

Last but not least – from a business perspective – using virtual shared mailboxes (for free), despite being named differently, works in similar ways once set up.

Storage and File Sharing

Cloud storage is another feature or service that we can use from most cloud providers and allows both sharing files as well as synchronising your desktop across multiple devices so that you can access your work whilst on the road.

Intranet - Extranet publishing

Once a feature, you’d have to work hard and invest a lot of money to get going; cloud platforms now include the tools to publish web pages, documents and discussions online seamlessly. With the added benefits of easily choosing the level of privacy and permissions for both internal and external participants in the workflow, this feature has become common.

Team Work Tools

Many tools are now available on most cloud platforms, allowing users and teams to manage their workflows better. From chat apps to TO-DO and project management tools, many modern ways to improve productivity are available out of the box.
A pervasive (and popular) feature is video calling or conferencing, giving our employees a chance to continue working even when pandemic lockdowns are commonplace.

Virtual Computing

Although moving to a completely online environment is a strategic challenge, we must not forget that with most cloud platforms today, we get to choose if we use their standard services included or go about building our cloud infrastructure. A common approach is to opt for a hybrid environment, where a combination of on-site and cloud computing solutions optimise costs and productivity.

Micro services & Containerization

A relatively recent trend in the marketplace, microservices are rapidly becoming the norm, allowing deployments of vast and complex infrastructures without the burden of heavy hardware and software management. With most cloud providers offering a multitude of solutions in this space, the sky’s the limit in redesigning business infrastructures

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